Crude Protein(min) 16.0%
(This includes not more than 1.00% equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen)
Crude Fat(min) 3.00%
Crude Fiber(max) 20.0%
Calcium (Ca)(min) 0.50%
Calcium (Ca)(max) 1.00%
Phosphorus (P)(min) 0.35%
Salt (Na Cl)(min) 0.70%
Salt (Na Cl)(max) 1.20%
Copper (Cu)(min) 20.0% ppm
Copper (Cu)(max) 30.0% ppm
Selenium (Se)(min) 0.30% ppm
Vitamin A(min) 16000.00IU/lb
Vitamin D(min) 3200.00 IU/lb
Vitamin E(min) 50.00 IU/lb

Honor Show Chow Impulse Goat R-20 is a complete and balanced ration in pelleted form. It provides the nutritional extras kids need in both the growing and finishing phases. There is no need to add roughage or grain to the ration. Honor Show Chow Impulse Goat R-20 meets the specific nutritional needs of growing and finishing goats. Feed continuously and have Honor Show Chow Impulse Goat R-20 before nursing kids at all times.

To maintain adult animals, feed 1-2 lbs per 100 lbs of body weight along with adequate roughage or pasture. These are only guidelines for consumption. Feed consumption will vary with life stage, environment and activity. *Ask your dealer if Rumensin option is available in your market.


1. Start kids on colostrum milk from birth to 3 days of age. Feed Purina Kid Milk Replacer from 2 days until 4-8 weeks of age.

2. Use Honor Show Chow Impulse Goat R-20 as a creep feed for rapidly growing young goats prior to weaning.

3. If kids have not been creep-fed or they were purchased, they should be placed on grass hay on a free-choice basis after arrival. On the second day, feed Honor Show Chow Impulse Show Chow Goat R-20 at the rate of 1% of their body weight and offer free-choice forage or hay. Gradually increase the amount of Honor Show Chow Impulse Goat R-20 and decrease the amount of hay over a 3-week period of time so that by the end of 3 weeks, they are consuming 3-4% of their body weight as Honor Show Chow Impulse Goat R-20. After 3 weeks, Honor Show Chow Impulse Goat R-20 should be the sole diet and no additional forage is required.

4. When making a ration change, allow 3 to 5 days for animals to adjust to the new ration.

5. Keep a constant supply of complete feed available. Do not let fine material accumulate in feeders.

6. Provide adequate, well-protected and well-managed bunk space for each animal to prevent feed from becoming wet or moldy.

7. Provide a source of fresh, clean water at all times.

8. Feed salt free-choice.

9. Feed Purina Goat Mineral free-choice.

10. Consult your veterinarian for the recommended health program for your local area. This includes internal and external parasite control.

11. This product contains copper and should not be fed to sheep. In groups of goats, there are certain animals that experience chronic bloat or other digestive disturbances, and consequently are poor performers. In addition, excess feed consumption, severe weather changes resulting in erratic feed consumption and poorly-managed feeding practices can increase the incidence of bloat in all goats. If bloating occurs, the above management practices should be reviewed and your veterinarian consulted.

Caution: Store in a dry, well-ventilated area free from all rodents and insects. Do not use moldy or insect-infested feed.

This is a balanced nutrition for today’s modern show goats. Cutting edge nutrition with the latest research technology from Purina Animal Nutrition Center research. Honor Show Chow IMPULSE show goat feed helps support rapid growth and expressive muscle development.

Available in pelleted and textured forms.

Stop in and shop at New Braunfels Feed & Supply in Texas. Have questions? Our helpful staff is here to assist you in finding the right animal health products for your needs.

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Purina Honor Show Chow Impulse Goat

Purina Animal Nutrition