• Protection lasts for up to 14 days
  • Ideal for pastured horses
  • Won't wash off in rain or when your horse sweats
  • Available in a 6 or 12-week supply

It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. When finished, wrap applicator and put in trash.

DO NOT reapply for 14 days (2 weeks).
DO NOT  allow the product to contact horse’s eyes or mucous membranes. (2 weeks).

Storage and Disposal

Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal.

Pesticide Storage: Store in cool, dry place. Protect from freezing.

Pesticide Disposal: If empty: Do not reuse container. Place in trash or offer for recycling if available. Call your local solid waste agency for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor or outdoor drain.

Remove product applicators from package. Fold along perforation between applicators and tear off one application. Return unused applicators to package. Holding applicator with tipped end pointing up and away from face and body, snap off narrow end at fold line. Apply one applicator (10 ml) of product as follows:

For optimum effectiveness, apply one spot to each location pictured in diagram below. Apply to both the right AND left sides of the horse. Use all product in applicator.

Hold the left and right sides of applicator between your thumb and index finger. With the back end of applicator tilted slightly downward, softly place the at edge of the applicator tip on the location where you want to apply the product. Slowly tip back end of applicator upward until a spot of product, approximately the size of a quarter, is expelled from applicator.

Farnam Equi-Spot Fly Control For Horses provides long-lasting insect control. As a result, Equi-Spot is ideal for repelling biting flies and gnats, as well as other bugs and insects.

Benefits Include:

  • Won't wash off in rain or when your horse sweats.
  • Guards against dangerous ticks that can spread Lyme disease and mosquitoes that may transmit West Nile Virus and Equine Encephalitis.
  • Ideal for pastured horses.

Stop in and shop at New Braunfels Feed & Supply in Texas. Have questions? Our helpful staff is here to assist you in finding the right animal health products for your needs.

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Farnam Equi-Spot Fly Control For Horses

  • Brand: Farnam
  • Product Code:13545
  • Weight:0.05lb
  • UPC:086621025974

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