Flies are pesky and irritating insects that can be challenging to get rid of, especially during hot and humid weather. They can carry and transfer bacteria that can cause serious diseases to both humans and animals. To keep flies under control, it’s important to have effective fly control options that can help reduce their population on your property. New Braunfels Feed provides various fly control options that can help keep your environment fly-free. Let’s explore some of the different types of fly control options we offer.
Starbar EZ Trap
The Starbar EZ Trap is a disposable fly trap that contains a powerful attractant that lures flies inside. Once inside, the flies are unable to escape, and they eventually die. The trap is easy to use and can be hung up or placed on a flat surface. You can use it both indoors and outdoors, and it’s safe to use in areas where children and pets are present.
Rescue Outdoor Fly Trap
The Rescue Outdoor Fly Trap is another effective method of fly control. This trap contains a natural attractant made from food-grade products that lures flies into the trap. Once the flies enter, they can’t escape, and they eventually drown in the water and die. This trap is also easy to use and can be placed anywhere outdoors.
Starbar Trap-N-Toss
The Starbar Trap-N-Toss is a reusable fly trap that’s perfect for outdoor use. The trap contains a non-toxic attractant that draws flies to it. The flies enter through the top but are unable to escape. The Trap-n-toss can be hung up or placed on a flat surface, and it’s easy to dispose of once it’s full.
Starbar Bite Free Stable Fly Trap
The Starbar Bite Free Stable Fly Trap is perfect for use in barns and stables. The trap contains a non-toxic and long-lasting attractant that draws flies to it. Once the flies enter the trap, they can’t escape, and they eventually die. This trap is easy to use and can be hung up or placed on a flat surface.
Starbar Captivator
The Starbar Captivator is an effective fly trap that’s suitable for both indoor and outdoor use. It contains a non-toxic attractant that draws flies to it. Once inside, the flies can’t escape, and they eventually die in the trap. The Captivator is easy to use and can be hung up or placed on a flat surface.
Flies can be a nuisance, but with the fly control options offered at New Braunfels Feed, you can keep your property free from these pesky insects. The Starbar EZ Trap, Rescue Outdoor Fly Trap, Starbar Trap-n-toss, Starbar Bite Free Stable Fly Trap, and Starbar Captivator are all effective fly control options that can help reduce the fly population on your property. Choose the right method that suits your needs and keep your surroundings fly-free!