Crabgrass is a summer annual grassy weed that can spread thousands of seeds during its lifespan. Crabgrass germinates when soil temperatures reach a consistent 55 degrees F and is generally killed at the first frost. Crabgrass leaves are rolled in the bud; the first leaf appears short, wide and blunt-tipped. The ligule is tall and membranous with jagged edges, and the auricles are absent.
Do not seed, core aerate or verticut when soil and weather conditions are appropriate for the germination of crabgrass. A slightly raised mowing height may help prevent the establishment of crabgrass by providing shade from sunlight. When crabgrass is going to seed, lower the mowing height and collect clippings to prevent seed establishment.
Here are some crabgrass control options:
Hi-Yield® Crabgrass Control
Contains: Treflan® No fertilizer
• Prevents for 6 to 8 weeks, the same amount of time as Scotts Halts®
• Most universities recommend a second application 6 to 8 weeks later
• Prevents mostly annual grasses and only some broadleaf weeds
Pendulum 2G controls more than 40 grassy and broadleaf weeds in all — including troublesome weeds like oxalis, henbit and spurge.
But that’s not all. Pendulum 2G controls an incredibly broad spectrum of weeds — more than 40 grassy and broadleaf weeds in all. When used as directed, Pendulum 2G:
- Delivers unbeatable overall preemergent control of troublesome weeds, including crabgrass, goosegrass, oxalis, henbit, spurge and nearly 40 other broadleaf and grassy species.
- Controls weeds as they germinate.
- Offers more control for your money (less expensive than other premium-priced brands).
Both of these products are available at New Braunfels Feed.
(Source: Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University)