Did you know New Braunfels Feed sells bulk vegetable seeds?
In our business, bulk means loose, not a lot. We measure these seeds by the scoop. We have 4 scoop sizes (A-D) for different kinds of seeds. The smallest size is A and starts at $.95 cent per scoop. We can also special order 1# and 5# bags per request. Make sure to mark the scoop size on the seed bag before you check out. Our seeds are Top Notch Seeds from BWI.
If you have leftover seeds it’s ok to store them for next season. Seed life varies tremendously depending on the type of seed and storage conditions. Seeds in the paper package in a kitchen drawer are good for over a year before the germination rate starts dropping. I have planted 3-year-old seeds with about 70% germinating. Just remember to write the purchase date on the package for future reference.