Alan’s Answers: Is There Still Time to Winterize?

We are now in the thick of the fall season, and if you haven’t begun to winterize your home, lawn, barn, etc. Now is the time. There are many different ways to prepare for that first winter freeze.

First things first. We are approaching the tail end of the time when it’s best to winterize your lawn. If you plan to do this, now is your last chance. I recommend treating your lawn with a bag of Medina Organic lawn fertilizer. You can pick up a bag at New Braunfels Feed.

If you have a barn, make sure you sweep the place for any possible fire risks – cover any electrical wiring, clean out cobwebs and gutters.

Those of you who have animals and outdoor pets to keep warm, consider getting your hands on some straw to create a warm retreat for your animals to shelter themselves from those bone chilling winter nights. Another option for outdoor animals is to pick up an outdoor heat lamp or two. If you turn them on at certain times of day or night, it is a great way to spread a little extra warmth.

Other items on your list could include horse blankets for extra protection and if you’re looking for something to keep your dog warm, we have plenty of dog sweaters and coats available.

All items mentioned are available at New Braunfels Feed & Supply.  Additionally, we carry other resources such as weather stripping supplies, insulation, faucet covers, window coverings and more. Come by and let us help you plan ahead for Winter.